Social Skills

Improving your social skills is very important in a corporate environment. In this post I’ll make some recommendations for how to socialize in office and make friends.

Building up confidence

The best way to build up confidence when speaking to others is to start small and work your way up. You can start off by just nodding your head and smiling when you walk by others. Once you get good at that, you can improve to telling people “good morning” when you walk by them in the morning. After that, you can ask people how they are doing. The more comfortable you get, the longer the conversations you can try to have.

How to make a positive impression on others during conversation

People really like to talk about themselves. Ask people about themself and let them talk about themself. They should be talking about themself for more than half of the conversation. Also show that you are a good listener and care about what they are saying.

Another thing that is good to do is to say the person’s name as you are talking to them. People like to hear their name. You can say “hey __ how are you doing?” followed by “that is very interesting __ .” This will also help you remember the person’s name after you are done talking to them.

Ending conversations

The easiest way to end a conversation is to just say something like “I gotta run, it was nice talking to you.” If they ask where you are going, it is completely fine to just make something up.

If you went up to talk to someone and they had to stop what they were doing to talk to you, then you can end the conversation by saying “I’ll let you get back to ___ . It was nice talking to you.”

How to deal with awkward silence

If you are in a meeting and a lengthy silence appears out of no where, you can say “looks like we have said everything we have to say about that. So did you hear ___ .”


When it comes to networking, most people do not attempt to network with others until there is something they need. This makes you less likely to get help from others because it looks to them like you are only talking to them in an attempt to receive something from them. What you want to do is start networking with people well before you need help from them. In fact, you should attempt to help these people before attempting to get help from them. This approach will help you get a much bigger network than you would otherwise be able to get and you would also have each individual in the network more likely to help you.


  1. Sonmez, John. Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual. Manning Publications, 2015.
  2. Klaus, Peggy. The Hard Truth About Soft Skills: Workplace Lessons Smart People Wish They’d Learned Sooner. 2010.
  3. Coleman, Mark. Emotional Intelligence Practical Guide: How to Retrain Your Brain to Win Friends, Influence People, Improve your Social Skills, Achieve Happier Relationships, and Raise Your EQ . 2019.
  4. Cummings, Glenn. Emotional Intelligence: The Most Complete Blueprint to Develop And Boost Your EQ. Improve Your Social Skills, Emotional Agility and Discover Why it Can Matter More Than IQ. Carol Brown, 2019.
  5. Goleman, Brandon. Emotional Intelligence: For a Better Life, success at work, and happier relationships. Improve Your Social Skills, Emotional Agility and Discover Why it Can Matter More Than IQ. 2019.
  6. Coleman, Dan. Emotional Intelligence : Improve Your EQ For Business And Relationships. 2018.
  7. Carnegie, Dale. How To Win Friends and Influence People. 1936.