Maximizing the return on investment of pair programming


This blog post is going to assume that you are already convinced that pair programming is worth using. But when should we use pair programming and what way should we use pair programming such that we maximize the return on investment? Different teams will have slightly different setups and personalities which will affect the approach that needs to be taken with pair programming. So in short, we will discuss many different pair programming options out there and how to choose which option based on your setup.

Pair programming styles


The most common way to do pair programming is the driver/navigator setup where the driver is the person who is typing and thinking about what to do whereas the navigator is the person looking on and thinking about the big picture.

Backseat Navigator

The less experienced the driver is, the more help the driver is going to need. With extremely new people, it can make sense to use the backseat navigator approach when the new person is driving and paired with someone more experienced. In the backseat navigator setup, the navigator has more of an emphasis on instructing the driver on what to do.

Tour Guide

In the tour guide setup, the person driving has more of an emphasis on informing the other person about what is going on. Whenever a beginner and an experienced person are paired together and the experienced person is driving, it makes sense to do the tour guide approach so that the beginner can understand what is going on. The tour guide needs to go slow or else the beginner looking on will not understand anything and won’t learn. The tour guide approach can also be useful when catching someone up after they just came back from an absence.

Ping Pong Pairing

In this setup, one person starts by writing a failing unit test. The people will then swap roles and the next person will write the code necessary to pass the unit test in addition to any refactoring that is needed. This person will then write a failing unit test and then swap roles to let the other person write the code to make the unit test pass. The process repeats. I recommend using this approach.

Which work should be pair programmed?

Founder of Extreme Programming, Kent Beck, likes the idea of all work being pair programmed.1 Mike Cohn, author of Succeeding with Agile2, likes the idea of pair programming where appropriate but not pair programming all of the tasks. I will side with Mike on this one. There are a couple factors that influence the return on investment of pair programming that I recommend taking into account to determine if pairing for a particular task is worth it.

Difficulty of the task

The tougher the task is, the more it makes sense to pair program.3 Adding a second brain to a difficult task might go a long way to speed up a difficult task. But adding a second brain to an easy, trivial task doesn’t speed up the task as much. So if you take a look at the toughest work that needs to be done for your project, those items are good pair programming candidates.

Experience of the team member

The newer a person is to a team, the more it makes sense for that person to pair program. This might have been able to have been inferred from the above point but I wanted to separate this one out into it’s own point to talk about one topic in particular: onboarding. A study was done with 30 teams on the effect of pair programming when onboarding new hires versus not pair programming when onboarding new hires.4 With pairing, the assimilation time for new hires was 12 workdays whereas without pairing, the assimilation time for new hires was 27 workdays. When pairing, mentors had to spend 26% of their time mentoring whereas without pairing, mentors had to spend 36% of their time mentoring. This means that it is well worth it to pair program when onboarding new hires.

Team size

The more programmers there are on a team, the more it makes sense to pair program.3 The more programmers there are on a team, the more communication overhead there is, the more people will step on each other’s toes, the more merge conflicts there will be, and the more difficulty there is in planning in such a way that team members are able to handle dependencies between tasks. There is a non-linear relationship between the number of branches and the number of integration issues5 so being able to cut the number of branches in half with pair programming means it will make integration more than twice as easier.

Dependencies between tasks

The more dependencies there are between tasks for the sprint, the more it makes sense to pair program. Imagine a scenario where there is a team of 4 programmers. Let’s say that there are 4 high value tasks and 2 low value tasks that need to be worked on. Furthermore, let’s say that 2 of the high value tasks are dependent on the other high value tasks. With 4 programmers and no pair programming, you would start out with 2 high value tasks in progress and 2 low priority tasks in progress. This is inconvenient because this means that we are going to be finishing some of the low value tasks before some of the high value tasks. If we are pair programming, we can have 2 high value tasks in progress and when those finish, we can go on to the next 2 high value tasks. This way, the low value tasks are worked on last.


The more fun your team members find pair programming, the more they should pair program. In fact, if they try pair programming and don’t like it, they shouldn’t pair program at all. Pair programming when you aren’t interested in doing it is going to produce worse results than not pairing at all.3

Partially Allocated team members

I generally like the idea of team members being fully allocated to the development of the project they are working on. Sometimes, this might not be the case. For example, there might be someone on the team doing a part-time internship who is only working 20 hours per week. Or there could be a team member who is partially allocated to development and partially allocated to management. Tasks that are worked on by partially allocated team members will take longer to code and will sit in review longer since they cannot address comments as frequently. This can create a bottleneck if that particular task turns out to be blocking a teammate or preventing a potentially shippable product increment. To prevent this from happening, we can take partially allocated team members and have them pair program tasks and have their partner always be the owner. This way, the task can still progress while the partially allocated member is out of office or not working on the project. This will help us integrate ours code more frequently and prevent longer lived development branches.

Highly Interrupted teams

Some teams get interrupted quite a bit more frequently than others. An example of this would be a team that frequently has incoming defects reported in production. In this scenario, someone has to drop what they are doing to investigate the issue reported in production. This can make for an expensive context switch when it is time to come back to the task they dropped. One way around this is to pair program the task where one person is designated as the owner of the task. When an issue is reported in production, the person who is not the owner of the task can work on investigating the issue in production while the owner can continue with the task. This keeps the task moving which helps prevent the task from blocking another team member.

Rotating Pairs

Many teams implementing pair programming have reported greater success from rotating out who is pair programming with who. I have heard of people rotating anywhere from once every hour up until once every 3 or 4 days. There was a study done in an attempt to determine the most efficient way to do pair rotation.6 The team involved in the study reported the highest velocity when pairs were rotated every 90 minutes with the more experienced person being the person to rotate. Beginners would sign up for tasks and be the owners. This means that the beginner would keep working on the task until is is complete whereas their partner (the more experienced person who is not owning any tasks) is the one who is rotating out every 90 minutes. The author went on to explain in a separate post that he considers 90 minute intervals to only be optimal for teams that are experienced in pair programming. He likes the idea of teams new to pair programming to rotate pairs every 3-4 days and work their way down to 90 minute rotations. I want to bring up that some teams have reported rotating every 90 minutes to be too frequent for them so I don’t think 90 minute rotations would work for every team. I think you should take the author’s advice and gradually work towards 90 minute rotations but if you get closer to 90 minute rotations and feel that your velocity is decreasing, then revert back to a less frequent rotation and stick with that.

Pair Programming desk setup

Have the two people pairing sit side by side. Having one person sit behind the other person will cause that person to breathe down the other person’s neck which we don’t want.

Place the monitor equally between the two people. Both people should have their own keyboard and mouse that are plugged into the monitor so that either person can take over without having to slide the mouse or keyboard. If you cannot set up your desk with two keyboards and two mice, have the keyboard and mouse directly in front of the driver in the way that is the most comfortable for the driver.

Pairing with various experience levels

Novice/Expert pairing

I would consider this to be by far the best pair because of the knowledge transfer from the expert to the novice. This will build up new teammates about as fast as any strategy and has the most return on investment. Have the novice be the driver for around 2/3 of the time for this. Try something along the lines of having the novice be the driver for 20 minutes or so and then let the expert be the driver for around 10 minutes and then repeat.

Novice/Novice pairing

The novice/novice pairing is considered to be the least effective type of pairing.3 What commonly happens is that you have two people get stuck on something for 3 hours, only to ask an expert for help who figures it out in 2 minutes. The novice driver might make a mistake or do something that is sub-optimal and the navigator might not catch it due to being a novice. The continuous review aspect of pair programming is less noticeable in the novice/novice pairing as a result. There also isn’t much of any knowledge transfer. Placing at least one expert in a pair allows for knowledge transfer and good feedback to help make you less likely to get stuck. Consider swapping driver/navigator roles every 10 minutes or so in this setup.

Expert/Expert pairing

I would consider this type of pairing to be more effective than the novice/novice pairing but less effective than the novice/expert pairing. Having at least one expert in the pair means that we are less likely to get stuck and are more likely to continuously progress. If the driver makes a careless mistake, the navigator is likely to catch it since the navigator is an expert. Consider swapping driver/navigator roles every 10 minutes or so in this setup.

Pair Programming etiquette

When being the navigator, do not immediately inform the driver of a typo that they have made.3 The driver might be aware of the typo that they have made and just be in the progress of finishing off what they are typing before going back to correct the typo. Give the driver a few seconds so that you can be sure that the driver is not aware of the typo before you inform the driver of the typo. It is also not necessary to state the obvious or to try to micro manage every line of code that the driver needs to type in the event that the driver partially knows what they are doing. If the driver has no idea what they are doing, then it makes sense to kind of “back seat drive” where you give more instructions.

If the driver is getting tired or frustrated, this is generally a good time to swap roles with the navigator.3

As a driver, you should be talking out loud as you think so that the navigator is able to understand your thought process.3

Should there still be formal code reviews on pair programmed tasks?

Most teams have their process set up where all code needs to be reviewed before being merged to trunk. What about with pair programming? For tasks that have been pair programmed, should this code still get reviewed by the other team members prior to merging to trunk? Or should a task that is pair programmed be merged to trunk without having to be reviewed by the other team members who were not part of the pair?

An argument for no formal code reviews on pair programmed work

Kent Beck recommends merging pair programmed work to trunk without going through a formal review process. The founder of extreme programming says “…Extreme Programming projects do not require explicit reviews. Drop them from your methodology.” That excerpt can be found here. Kent Beck recommends team members merging to trunk at least once per day but preferably multiple times per day. This is done to reduce integration issues. This is a lot easier to do when no formal code reviews are needed since you can just confirm with your partner that the code looks good and then you can go ahead and merge without having to wait for approval from others.

It is natural for some tasks within a user story to depend on each other.7 If you finish coding up a task in the user story and upload your code for a formal review, your next task within the user story might be something that depends on the code that is in review. As you are waiting for your code to get reviewed, you have a dilemma. You could branch off of what is in review and start another task on your user story or you could pick a task in another user story. Branching off something in review is problematic because you are making a branch that is becoming more divergent from master. Furthermore, any code change made on the branch in review has to be merged into your new child branch. Picking a task from another user story is also problematic because you are switching to another user story without finishing your current user story so you are slowing down how frequently you produce a potentially shippable product increment that you can demo for feedback. Ending the sprint with a few fully completed user stories is a lot better than ending the sprint with many partially completed user stories since it is the fully completed user stories that deliver value and are demo’d for feedback.2

An argument for formal code reviews on pair programmed work

Some industries are more regulated than others which might make it harder to get away with merging to trunk with no formal code review. Furthermore, some of the tasks on a project are more risky than others where mistakes can cost a lot of money. On top of that, some team members may feel uncomfortable with the idea of code getting merged to trunk that they did not get a chance to look at.

So what is the answer?

I don’t think there is a one size fits all answer to this question. The more regulated your industry is, the more it makes sense to do formal reviews. Secondly, the greater the risk of the task, the more it makes sense to do formal reviews. Thirdly, the less experience that the members of the pair has, the more it makes sense to do formal reviews. And fourthly, the more experience the people who were not part of the pair are, the more it makes sense to do formal reviews. I think you would want to take a look at these factors and make the decision about whether or not to do a formal review on a particular task based on that. This may result in doing formal reviews for some tasks, all tasks, or no tasks.

Jez Humble, author of Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test And Deployment Automation8 proposes a common ground alternative. You can merge a pair programmed task to trunk without having gone through formal code review and let the other team members optionally review that code after it makes it into trunk (post-commit review). I would imagine that as long as committing to trunk doesn’t release to the client, this would be a low-risk compromise for any team members who feel uncomfortable having any code getting merged to trunk without them having seen the code. If the person reviewing post-commit found any issues, they could then optionally pair program with one of the two pair programmers that committed the issue in order to fix it.


Different teams have reported different frequencies of pair rotation to be optimal for them. Different teams have also had differing levels of success with different percentage of work being pair programmed. Many teams out there also have reported various levels of success between still doing formal code reviews on pair programmed work and not doing formal code reviews on pair programmed work. As a result, it is clear to see that what works for one team may not work for the another. As a result, it is hard to give a one size fits all piece of advice. There are many different factors about a particular team or company that might affect which way to utilize pair programming would be best for them. I have tried to communicate what these factors are so you can make these decisions and utilize pair programming in a way that maximizes the return on investment.


  1. Beck, Kent and Andres, Cynthia. Extreme Programming Explained. Addison-Wesley, 2004.
  2. Cohn, Mike. Succeeding With Agile: Software Development Using Scrum. Addison-Wesley, 2013.
  3. Williams, Laurie and Kessler, Robert. Pair Programming Illuminated. Addison-Wesley, 2002.
  4. Shukla, A. (2002). “Pair Programming and the Factors Affecting Brook’s Law,” Master’s Thesis, North Carolina State University
  5. Forsgren, Nicole, et al. Accelerate, The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations. IT Revolution, 2018.
  6. Belshee, Arlo. Promiscuous Pairing and Beginner’s Mind: Embrace Inexperience. Silver Platter Software, 2005.
  7. Beck, Kent and Fowler, Martin. Planning Extreme Programming. Addison-Wesley, 2004.
  8. Humble, Jez and Farley, David. Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test And Deployment Automation. Addison-Wesley, 2010.